Produkty dla en organizacja (173)

Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa dla Cery Skłonnej do Trądziku

Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa dla Cery Skłonnej do Trądziku

Product obtained by distillation of geranium - Geranium Macrorrhizum Organic geranium distillation water helps to heal and balance oily, acne-prone skin. Relieves redness and inflammation of the skin. Papplied to the skin and hair, eit has a regenerating, hydrating and toning effect.
Supernawilżająca Maska Peelingująca

Supernawilżająca Maska Peelingująca

The mask is an excellent means of nourishing the skin. Aloe vera has hydrating properties, stimulates cell formation by providing amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins and polysaccharides - elements that are essential for the skin. The mask is designed for dry and sensitive skin.
Woda Kwiatowa z Geranium - 100 ml

Woda Kwiatowa z Geranium - 100 ml

Distillation product derived from the geranium plant Geranium macrorrhizum. Natural geranium water strengthens and balances oily, acne-prone skin. Soothes redness and inflammation. Regenerates, hydrates and tones skin and hair
Serum Antycellulitowe Colway

Serum Antycellulitowe Colway

Body Loss Serum is a cosmetic that will help you smooth your body, get rid of cellulite, reduce swelling of the legs and reduce the resistance of blood vessels. The combination of fat-degrading ingredients called liporeductil makes the product applicable in many ways. The product also contains specially selected plant extracts, thanks to which this perfect composition is created to provide you with spoiled skin. The whole recipe is complemented by an extremely pleasant aroma of cappuccino, which will create an exceptional mood.
100% Organiczny Balsam do Ust - Lawenda, Słodka Pomarańcza i Wosk pszczeli

100% Organiczny Balsam do Ust - Lawenda, Słodka Pomarańcza i Wosk pszczeli

100% Натурален Балсам за устни с лавандула, сладък портокал и пчелен восък - Lavender Kiss - lip balm with lavender oil and beeswax Lavender Kiss is a handmade 100% organic lip balm that combines all-natural nourishment with natural oils of orange, lavender, jojoba, almond, coconut and Bulgarian beeswax farmers. There are also shimmering mineral mica particles for a sparkling effect on the lips, because every girl loves glitter!
organiczny ocet miodowy

organiczny ocet miodowy

Ce vinaigre de miel est 100% naturel et certifié biologique . C'est un produit doux et diététique uniquement produit à base de miel et d'eau .
Lunacol Suplement Diety 60 Kapsułek, 483 Mg

Lunacol Suplement Diety 60 Kapsułek, 483 Mg

This is the first freely available formulation in Europe that contains lunasin - a unique protein in nature that evokes great feelings and hopes of humanity in the breakthrough in many fields of science. Attention! One capsule of LunaCol contains 5 milligrams obtained by the Polish method of the author from 10% biologically active lunazine, which gives 0.5 milligrams of this protein in pure form.
Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa z Smradlika do Profilaktyki Jamy Ustnej - 100 ml

Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa z Smradlika do Profilaktyki Jamy Ustnej - 100 ml

Organic sumac water regenerates and strengthens the skin. Supports rapid recovery, relieves itching and irritation. Prevents excessive oiliness of the skin and has an astringent effect. Effective in the prevention of the oral cavity.
Woda różana - Naturalna i organiczna woda różana / Rosa damascena /

Woda różana - Naturalna i organiczna woda różana / Rosa damascena /

Mountain Rose Bulgaria Ltd es fabricante y vendedor completo de materia prima 100 % en Bulgaria. Tenemos la mejor calidad de agua floral de rosa búlgara natural y orgánica / Rosa Damascena Mill/ Conocida mundialmente como la reina de los aceites esenciales. El producto tiene diferentes aplicaciones. Suministramos la mejor calidad a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo, al por mayor. Si está interesado, no dude en contactarnos. ¡Estaremos a tu disposición!
Złoty Zestaw Atelo Colway

Złoty Zestaw Atelo Colway

Four innovative discoveries in one set. These products are precisely combined for each other, forming a complete series of care dedicated to modern women.
Hydrolaty - Naturalne Wody Kwiatowe

Hydrolaty - Naturalne Wody Kwiatowe

Our 100% Natural Hydrolats, with a Focus on Organic Rose Water Our hydrolats are 100% natural and derived by water-steam distillation. Most are made according to our standard: 1 kg of fresh plant is distilled to 1 kg of water. As a result, the aroma is intense, and the quality is constant. Our passion is Organic Rose Water (Rosa Damascena & Rosa Alba)
Organiczna Kwiatowa Woda Różana dla Wszystkich Typów Skóry - Etherica - 100 ml

Organiczna Kwiatowa Woda Różana dla Wszystkich Typów Skóry - Etherica - 100 ml

Organic distillation product extracted from the flowers of the oil-bearing rose Rosa Damascena in the heart of the Rose Valley. Deeply cleanses, soothes and refreshes the skin. Suitable for all skin types; helps against sunburn, tired and swollen eyes. Strengthens and nourishes hair. Aromatizes and creates a good mood.
Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa z Rumianku dla Wrażliwej Skóry - 100 ml

Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa z Rumianku dla Wrażliwej Skóry - 100 ml

Organic chamomile water soothes skin irritations and is suitable for sensitive skin. It works effectively on burns, insect bites, rashes. Relieves dryness, fatigue and puffiness of the eyes. Gives shine and softness to hair. It can be used for babies and young children.
organiczny ocet jabłkowy z organicznym miodem

organiczny ocet jabłkowy z organicznym miodem

Le vinaigre de pomme est un aliment et un vieux remède traditionnel . Ce vinaigre est obtenu par fermentation de jus de pomme bio, le miel biologique ajouté l'enrichit d'éléments nutritifs très utile pour la santé, lui donne un goût unique de plantes et de fleurs.
Maseczka Peelingująca Oczyszczająca

Maseczka Peelingująca Oczyszczająca

The synergistic action between seaweed and clay enhances their exfoliating and calming effect. The skin is cleansed and clarified, removing dead cells and impurities. The pores are tight, the skin is fresh and with a strong complexion. The mask is designed for oily and problem skin.
Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa Z Pokrzywy Dla Wyczerpanych Włosów - 100 ml

Organiczna Woda Kwiatowa Z Pokrzywy Dla Wyczerpanych Włosów - 100 ml

Organic nettle water soothes, cleanses and tightens the skin. Soothes skin irritations and fights the signs of acne. It strengthens the hair, stimulates its growth and is suitable for dry, treated and exhausted hair. Makes hair look good - shiny and vibrant.
Organiczne Nasiona Słonecznika Premium do Piekarstwa

Organiczne Nasiona Słonecznika Premium do Piekarstwa

Raw organic sunflower seeds are a rich source of protein - 6 grams per serving. They also contain essential fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acids, which are associated with lowering blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol and improving metabolism. Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant Fats:48.2 gr Carbohydrates:12.4 gr Fibers:5.6 gr Sugars:0.22 gr Salt:0.04 gr Saturated fat:5.69 gr
Woda Kwiatowa z Bazylii - 100 ml

Woda Kwiatowa z Bazylii - 100 ml

Natural basil water has an anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes and soothes the skin. Suitable for oily skin. It strengthens and restores hair. Improves appetite and digestion. An effective repellent against insects.
Organiczna mąka orkiszowa - Pełnoziarnista

Organiczna mąka orkiszowa - Pełnoziarnista

Отличава се със своите хранителни качества, сред който протеини и фибри, които са в пъти по-високи от тези на пшеницата. Предимства: - действа благоприятно на имунната система Подходящо за: - приготвяне на различни печива Лесно за обработка, има добри вкусови качества и е леко по-сладникаво от обикновеното. Придава малко по-тъмен цвят на печивата. Ползи на лимеца - улеснява храносмилането, контролира нивата на холестерола, подобрява кръвообращението, подобрява здравето на костите, повишава имунитета, контролира диабета.
Organiczna mąka einkorn

Organiczna mąka einkorn

Einkorn has a slightly sweeter taste than spelt and is higher in protein, fibre and B vitamins and is more easily absorbed by the body. It can be ground into flour or cooked as a substitute for rice or potatoes or added to soups and salads. Color:Light yellow Moisture:Low (50 - 60% RH)
Syrop z czarnego bzu

Syrop z czarnego bzu

100% натурален продукт, произведен в България, по домашна рецепта - - 100% натурален продукт - Произведен в България, по домашна рецепта - Без добавена захар - Подходящ за диабетици Традиционен български продукт за подсилване на имунната система.
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleina

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleina

It is extracted from high-quality peeled sunflower seeds, by cold pressing, without heating and without chemical treatment. Advantages: mild scent and pleasant taste without chemical processing Suitable for: flavoring salads making sauces It does not contain toxic residual agents (acids) from chemicalprocessing, because they are not used in the extraction process. It is used only and only in the cold kitchen - salads, vegetable pockets or added to heat-treated foods when cooled down.
Atelocream Mc2

Atelocream Mc2

Extremely light and shiny, oleosomal basic structure of the cream is fully compatible with the physiology of the skin, and biomimetic active ingredients, thanks to the combination of liquid crystals of emulsifier / softener of the main components, work much more efficiently than ordinary creams. Therefore, the biomimetic active ingredients and three types of collagen together with the energy parts are gradually released in a controlled way and in extensive time, which reduces the effect of uncontrolled stimulation of fibroblasts and counteracts the accelerated cell death caused by the Hayflick boundary.